Cookies are an essential part of the online experience, but they must be used with care.

According to the law, cookies must often be turned off by default, and browsers increasingly frequently reject third-party cookies.

Your capacity to gather insightful information about your users and guarantee that your website performs as intended depends on how you implement and advertise your usage of cookies.

We can assist you in fulfilling both your business goals and GDPR and PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations) compliance requirements.

What will the service cover?

Full website review

We will review your website to establish what cookies you are using and where they're used.

Compliance review

We will review your cookie banner and opt-in rates to ensure your banner complies with the law and is neither encouraging nor discouraging consent (the former is unlawful, the latter is a waste).

Highlight of all website cookies

We will highlight any cookies with known risks or that are not included in your cookie policy/notice.

Provide clear next-steps

We will provide you with a clear, straightforward report that explains your obligations, how well you currently address them and provides an action plan to help you improve.

What you can expect

The cookie assessment is completed remotely, and all we need to complete the assignment is confirmation of your website's URL. Our advisors may assist your company in mapping how closely your website and cookie activities adhere to the requirements of the cookie rules.

You will have a clear road map that outlines the areas that need to be addressed in order to achieve compliance once we have finished our cookies assessment to map your present state of play. If necessary, our specialists can assist you in implementing these procedures and policies.

We might require more time to finish the review if your website has an exceptionally high amount of cookies. During scoping conversations, we can inform you of this.